Tuesday, April 04, 2006

One Night Stand

Ok before you get your guns out and proclaim that this is the best concept ever to be introduced upon the ever-lonely human kind (and i agree), i am talking about something entirely different. But come to think of it, its not all that different coz here we screw our minds.One night stand is the normal protocol followed to emerge out as a winner in those drastic and depressing times which we call - exams.

There is a test tommorow morning 9 am. Everybody knows this as it has been announced atleast a week back but this information floats in a virtual plane for the whole week and the reality comes crashing hard one night before the test. Right, not to worry. Now we use the most divine invention, a life saver, a true god sent - xerox. Get the notes, ponder over them for the
night, wake up in the morning, give the test, forget about the whole incident as a bad joke or more appropriately as a ridiculous dream but more often than not we crack the test big time.

Amazing isnt it and i am talking about the creme-de-la of the indian student pool. Actually its wierd talking about this because it has been hardwired into our systems so efficiently that its like brushing your teeth when you wake up or eating, sleeping, walking, its kind of an impetuous stimuli of our ingenious minds.

When you come to think of it this is not anybody's cup of tea. You need a very advanced level of intellectual understanding, an astute mind, a highly creative and ingenious intellect to even think of a one night stand.

Ok this last para was for my batchmates - keep on reading my blogs guys there are many more things i have to say about you guys which you might never have even heard of in your dreams(like the last para).

I love my college life...



yeah..i agree totally with Anupam,especially about what he says in 2nd last para...We students definitely enjoy our college life and tests make them full life experience because usually they are the ones which give us a little bit of tension after nice jollyful days...good writing man.keep it up!!!!

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